Mende's Detectives Note

Vol.085 – Buddies with Vending Machines…


This excerpt is from an essay Mende contributed in December 2001. During a period of time, I often felt that my thoughts were rather unstable.  I had a habit of continuing conversations without coming to clear conclusions about whether some…

Coffee Break

VOl.080 -Cinema Lighting


Interviewer: Kunzhi Jiang Jiang: Today I’d like to talk about “Cinema Lighting.”  I think cinema lighting is very important.  For example, I recently watched “The Godfather,”  and felt that light and shadow in cinema can really reveal…

Coffee Break

Vol.079 -Time Machine


Interviewer: Iris Wu Iris:Hi Mende-san, today we are going to talk about what era you would like to visit if you had a time machine. This ‘era’ can refer to your personal lifetime, or a historical period, or even a future era yo…

Coffee Break

Vol.078 -Minimalism


Interviewer: Linxi Chen Chen:  Today I’d like to talk about minimalism.  Minimalism started as an art movement in the realm of western art after the end of World War II.  This movement dramatically affected later generations.When you …

Coffee Break

Vol.077 -Cities and Countryside


Interviewer: Masashi Kurobe Kurobe:  Today’s coffee break theme is “Cities and Countryside.” I come from a rural town, but I have been living in Tokyo for some time now and have gotten used to urban life.  Recently, I went…

Coffee Break

Vol. 076 -Memory and Forgetfulness


Interviewer: Yuta Shibata Shibata:Today I’d like to talk about memory and forgetfulness.   Since I started working at LPA, six months have passed.  Working as a lighting designer, I have found that memory is just as important…

Coffee Break

Vol.075-Winter Sports


Interviewer: Chuanyi Liu Liu:Today’s theme is winter sports.  I heard that you are very good at skiing and used to go with the students in your seminar class every winter.  I was born and raised in a cold area and used to ski a lot ba…

Monologue of a Lighting Detective

Vol.011 –Shining “Luminarie” – Baroque and digital lighting connect in a light festival in Salento, Italy


Federico FaveroLighting DesignerStockholm When asked to write a note in TNT column, I was considering to share my thoughts on how Artificial Intelligence might change lighting design. But then during the summer I experienced the “Notte dell…

Coffee Break

Vol. 074-What do you think about AI as a design tool?


Interviewer: Sunny Xu Sunny: Hi Mr. Mende. Today I would like to talk about a new technologic: AI (Artificial intelligence). What do you think about AI as a design tool? Mende: Have you tried to use AI to make some sentences or other things…

Coffee Break

Vol. 073-Favourite place to travel


Interviewer: Eddy Lau Eddy: Today’s topic for the coffee break is “Favourite Place to Travel”. Mende-san, you must be travelling a lot. Do you have any favourite place, you will not get bored of visiting again and again, or even living ther…

Monologue of a Lighting Detective

Vol.010 – The Duality of Light and Shadow


Christof FielstetteLighting DesignerHamburg Light and shadow are fundamental elements of our world and have always inspired the imagination of humans. Light is the source of life, it allows us to perceive the world around us and gives us or…

Monologue of a Lighting Detective

Vol.009 – Days with the Light: My 21-Day “Retreat ” from the COVID Regulations


Reiko KasaiLighting Design ProducerSingapore I am now cramped in a packed economy class flight from Bangkok back to Singapore with my laptop open. I am amazed at the number of people passing through the airport. The reason this scene feels …

Coffee Break

Vol.072-The Appeal of Dark Spaces


Interviewer: Ito Yuki ITO:Today I`d like to discuss the “appeal of dark spaces. ”Dark space is a pretty rough idea.  However, I imagine not totally pitch, black spaces, but dark spaces with a softly lit lamp, a level of darkness to feel com…

Coffee Break

Vol. 071-The Future of Lighting in China


Interviewer: Raina Jiang Raina: Mr. Mende. Now our company projects in China are mostly in big cities or metropolis. I think we will have more projects in smaller cities or even countryside in the future. People in small cities may wan…

Coffee Break

Vol. 070-「Feminism」


Interviewer: Xiaoyi Dong Dong: Today I’d like to talk about feminism.  I recently read the book “ Japanese Misogyny: I hate Women” written by the popular writer, Chizuko Ueno.  Even though I was born and raised in China…

Coffee Break

Vol.069-Food and Cuisine


Interviewer: Raba’a Bte Tainy Tainy: What is your preferred meal of the day?Mine is ・・・ Breakfast: Bread, cereal, and hot tea.Lunch: I need to have rice (small portion), not too heavy with 2 or 3 small dishes,Dinner: As I age, I prefe…

Monologue of a Lighting Detective

Vol.008 – The Meaning of Words -Beyond Light and Darkness-


Paulina VillalobosLighting DesignerSantiago Being part of the lighting detectives family, first as a student in Belgrade, Serbia (2008) and later as core member in Mexico 2015, has become an amazing cultural adventure of night and day light…

Coffee Break

Vol.068-Home and Lighting


Interviewer: Chia Xing Chia Xing: Mr. Mende, how did you feel when you got your first house? Mende: My first house after getting married 48 years ago, is a reasonably small condominium and that was also when I just started as a li…

Coffee Break

Vol.067-Involuntary Habits


Interviewer: Hikaru Kawata Kawata:Today’s topic is automatic mannerisms and involuntary habits.  I would especially like to talk about the habits we have that we like and those we want to change. One habit I have that I am really…

Monologue of a Lighting Detective

Vol.007 – Long Pause


UNO LAILighting DesignerTaipei I imagine, when we look back twenty years from now, this period of time will appear as one long pause. Over the past 48 months, I have been in quarantine 10 times for 14 days each, adding up to 140 days — near…