TransNational Lighting Detectives Forum 2017 in Kyoto


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Transnational Lighting Detectives Forum in Kyoto will be held from 8 to 10 June.
10 lighting experts from all over the world will gather and discuss about lighting for Kyoto.

Looking forward to meeting you in Kyoto.

Event Outline

■ Day 1 June 8th (THU)
18:00~20:30(Door opens at 17:30)

Presen-Night “Kyoto+Heritage of Light”
@The Museum of Kyoto Annex Hall
Open to public/Free admission/E ⇆ J Translation Provided

1, Presentation by Students
Presenters:Kyoto University of Art & Design/ Kyoto University School of Architecture Housing and Environmental Design + Ishida Lab./ Kyoto City University of Arts Environmental Design Lab. /Kyoto Institute of Technology Sakata Lab.

2, Relay Talk by 7 Lighting Professionals
Theme “Heritage”
Presenters: Kaoru Mende/Reiko Kasai/Jan Ejhed/Charles Stone/Lisbeth Skindbjerg/
Christof Fielstette/Uno Lai

■ Day 2 June 9th (FRI)
Students Workshop
Closed Event

■ Day 3 June 10th (SAT)
Talk Event “Light of Historical City – Mexico City・ Belgrade・ Madrid・Kyoto-”
Open to public/Free admission/E ⇆ J Translation Provided

1, Lectures
Presenters:Gustavo Aviles/Ignacio Valero/Aleksandra Stratimirovic

2, Panel Discussion
Theme “Heritage”
Presenters:Kaoru Mende/Gustavo Aviles/Ignacio Valero/Aleksandra Stratimirovic