Now we are posting sunrise photos taken at variety of locations all around the world in our SNS.
Pleases send us your sunrise photos!!
Sunrise photos in SNS
11th Annual TNT Forum:2014 / Madrid
2014.10.02-10.05 The 11th Forum was held in Madrid, Spain. A city with very old history, however, the theme was〝NEW CITY_NEW PEOPLE_NEW”and we talked with Madrid residents about the city’s lighting now and in the future. Symposium Ta…
Vol.035 – The Department of Lighting Design?
Theme:The Department of Lighting Design?』 Interviewer: Yuri Araki Araki:I`d like to talk today from a student`s point of view about lighting design. When I was at the university I studied architecture. One of the first things we did was stu…
Candle Night Winter Solstice 2005: Lantern Light @ Omotesando
22 December 2005 It was a chilly winter night for the December 22, 2005 Candle Night event. Across the street from the new Otomesando Hills construction site in the final months of opening-day preparations, soft, warm light danced along the…
Newsletter vol.83
Date of Issued:July 03, 2017 ・Activity 1/Night Walk:Kamata (2017/08/25) ・Activity 2/Regular Round Table Discussion (2017/09/06) ・Activity 3/BELGRADE OF LIGHT 2017 (2017/09/04-09/10) Newsletter Vol.83 Download PDF Night Walk:Kamata Search fo…