2022.11.24 Bryan Yan

After long pause of the activates, Hong Kong
detectives finally made one night walk event at
the West Kowloon Cultural District. We invited
various professions in architecture, interior
and lighting design to join us, and 17 people
It has been 6 years since the last Lighting Detective event in 2016 in Hong Kong. Lighting Detectives event was organized after three years COVID-19.
Although there are still some restrictions on the gathering due to COVI D -19 in Hong Kong, it cannot stop our passion to explore interesting places at nighttime.
West Kowloon Cultural area is one of the most exciting places in Hong Kong recently. Huge landscape area for people to gather and enjoy the fresh air. New modern art museum M+ and Palace Museum are the attraction spots for people. How the lighting is facilitated in this new development area. We also explored how they were planned and designed to meet the people needs and to the community.
The night walk event was completed with a lot of joy. Throughout the night walk, our guests found some interesting points of view and rethought about the lighting’s purpose and what the appropriate lighting should be. Lighting design for a city is always evolving with the perception of people. By exploring and discussion, we will know more about what we need. (Bryan Yan)