・照明探偵団倶楽部活動1/LIGHTING GUERRILLA (2018/05/11-06/16)
12th international light art festival in Ljubljana, Slovenia
2018/05/11-06/16 Aleksandra Stratimirovic
12th international Lighting Guerrilla festival in the Slovenian capital Ljubljana, this year focuses on the theme Colours. Over 40 international visual artist are presenting light art works and installations all over this picturesque city. The event dedicated to the activities of Transnational Lighting Detectives, organised in 2007 in Ljubljana, was the forunner that inspired establishing of the Lighting Guerrilla festival.
International Lighting Guerrilla festival has been undergoing in Ljubljana since 2007, led by Katerina Mirovic with the team.
Festival is dedicated to the production and presentation of works of contemporary visual and new-media art, whose main mean of expression is the medium of light. The aim of the festival is to stress the role of art in everyday life as well as to underline the role of an artist in the shaping of the public space. The mission of the festival is to highlight the city as a living organism, a space of creativity that excites the imagination and dictates a dynamic and exploratory rhythm of life.
The festival takes place every year in late spring, when a number of projects in the outdoors as well as in the galleries illuminate the city of Ljubljana. The festival, equipped each time with a dierent title theme, comes also in a smaller autumn edition named Re:Action that is being regularly hosted in other towns in Slovenia.
”Lighting Guerrilla 2018 edition is content-wise dedicated to thematization of Colours in the context of contemporary art. The selected projects, among which many new productions, explore the rich symbolism and expressiveness of colours as well as their role in achieving dierent visual eects. Finally, colours also serve as a system of labelling and communication; as such they’re not only an important element of art, but of everyday life as well. They often influence the viewer’s perception and their mental state and they frequently function as some kind of landmark for orientation and a source of information. The featured projects address our attitudes towards both colours and towards all visible things too: they aim for playful discoveries of colour eects through delving into exploration of dierent meanings and human understanding of the colour spectrum, so they often create astounding and aesthetically pleasing ambiental eects.” – Katerina Mirovic, Lighting Guerrilla founder and director.

”Saiyah #2” by Yoko Seyama photo: DK

”Dream Cemetery” by Keiko Miyazaki photo: DK

”Coexistences” by Natalija Crncec & Nina Šulin photo: DK

”GMO: Green Marvellous Opulence ” Maro Avrabou & Dimitri Xenakis photo: DK

”Sweet colours” by Video and New Media, Art Academy, Ljubljana photo: DK

”Refufish” by Matej Bizovicar photo: DK

”Interconnector” by A:Part photo: DK

”Colours in motion” by Marko Batista photo: DK
Aleksandra Stratimirovic (SE/RS) & Athanassios Danilof (GR), Yoko Seyama (DE/JP), Boštjan Cadež (SI), Kurt Laurenz Theinert (DE), Maro Avrabou & Dimitri Xenakis (FR), Jaka Šimenc & Akaša Bojic & Luka Umek (SI), Marko Batista (SI), Matej Bizovicar (SI), A:PART (SI), Bilal Yilmaz (TR), Metka Mikuletic & Nuša Jurkovic (SI), Mojca Zlokarnik (SI), Andreja Džakušic (SI) & Keiko Miyazaki (SI/JP), Marija Jenko (SI), Natan Esku (SI), Miran Kreš (SI), Natalija Crncec & Nina Šulin (SI), Erik Mátrai (HU), High school for design and photography (SI), Akademija za likovno umetnost in oblikovanje (SI), Fakulteta za arhitekturo, Tina Mozetic (SI); Lightin Guerrilla Laboratory:Marko Batista & Boštjan Cadež, MajaBojanic & Tisa Neža Herlec, Brina Ivanetic & Eva Mlinaric, Neža Jurman, Žiga Palcar, Lina Rica, Matej Stupica, Špela Škulj, Staš Vrenko, MO:YA Visuals (AT) & Sašo Sedlacek, Damijan Kracina, Jaka Šimenc, Brane Ždralo, Luka Frelih (SI).
The festival consists of two main parts: first is the opening of the festival with projects in the Vžigalica gallery and its surroundings, while the other is another series of events that take place in the Cukrarna palace.
More about Lighting Guerrilla festival