Global Research

Global Lighting Survey: Copenhagen+Stockholm


Worldwide City Lighting Report in Copenhagen / Stockholm December 2-9, 2017 | Written by: Hu Lin and Simeng Huang Located in high latitudes on the Northern Hemisphere, northern European countries including Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Denma…

Global Research

Global Lighting Survey: Tsukiji, Tokyo


City Survey: Tsukiji, Tokyo 2017/12/14,2018/01/12  Nemoto Isao + Masafumi Yamamoto  Night view from the opposite shore of Tsukiji, across the Sumida River. Tsukiji Market on the middle, Tokyo Tower and Tsukiji Bridge on the left, and Kachid…

Global Research

Global Lighting Survey: Kagoshima


Lighting Survey:Kagoshima 2017/10/25-10/27  Shunichi Ikeda + Yuri Araki Kagoshima city is a city which its urban area is integrated with nature and magnificent scenery, and it is also a tourist attraction that is represented by Sakurajima. …

Global Research

Grobal Lighting Survey:Mumbai


Lighting Survey in Mumbai 2017/10/02-10/07  Mikine Yamamoto + Leon Hitsu  We researched the biggest economic city of India, Mumbai. It is located west coast of India, which was used to call Bombay. This is the second time we researched this…

City Walks and Salon

Christmas Illumination


Night Walk #59: Tokyo Winter Lights Tour Let’s see around winter lights and cityscapes in central Tokyo! December 20, 2017 | Written by: Yuriko Hagimoto, Shinichi Sakaguchi, Daisuke Miura, and Sho Kato Speaking of winter in Tokyo, variety o…

Global Research



Global Nightscape survey in Melbourne 2014.11.11-11.15  Misuzu Nakamura+Haruka Sakoda  For 4 years running, Melbourne has been chosen as the best place in the world to live. City planning has successfully focused on public space to build on…

Light Up NINJA

9th Light Up Ninja@School of the Arts, Singapore


■Light Up Ninja Returns 2014.08.29-08.30@School of the Arts Singapore (West Plaza Steps) Following a successful run of last year light up Ninja Event, this year was held in conjunction with National heritage board as part of the Singapore N…

Light Up NINJA

8th Light Up Ninja in Sao Paulo


2014.08.18-08.20   Noriko Higashi A 3-day workshop and Light Up Ninja event was held on August in Sao Paulo, Brazil. During the city walk we not only looked for hero and villains of light, but also discussed what kind of nightscape is neede…

Annual Forum

13th Transnational Lighting Detectives Forum in Kyoto


13th Transnational Lighting Detectives Forum in Kyoto Kyoto, a city literally has a meaning of ‘capital city,’ used to serve as a capital of Japan for centuries. This gives no surprise that city is full of 1600 over historical temples and s…

City Walks and Salon

The 51st Regular Round Table Discussion@Tanteidan Office


The 51st Regular Round Table Discussion@Tanteidan Office 01. April 2016  Noriko Higashi We reviewed the Yokohama Bashamichi and Isezaki-cho city night walk held in March 2016. Cherry river was the best hero. The original plan was to walk in…

City Walks and Salon

The 53rd City Night Walk in Yokohama Bashamichi and Isezaki-cho


The 53rd City Night Walk in Yokohama Bashamichi and Isezaki-cho 18.March.2016  Yuki Takeuchi + Eiki Takeuchi + Ginko Mochizuki + Huang Simen + Shinichi Sakaguchi We divided into two groups walked in Bashamichi and the other two in Isezaki-c…

Children's Workshop

Lighting Detectives Workshop in iLight Marina Bay


Lighting Detectives Workshop in iLight Marina Bay 16.03.05-03.27 Quratuaini bte Jamil Each was a unique artwok module Lighting Detectives has been collaborating with iLIGHT Marina bay 2016 for our workshop. The theme for this year’s iLIGHT …

Children's Workshop

Light up Ninja at Kowloon Park, Hong Kong


Light up Ninja at Kowloon Park, Hong Kong Create Future City by Lantern ! 2016.02.19-02.20  Blanche Lam+Yin Yin Fung+Yuko Wong+Candy Cheung  This is the first Lighting Detective event in Hong Kong! This workshop is led by 2015 Bi-city Bienn…

Annual Forum

12th Annual TNT Forum:2015 / Mexico City


12th Annual TNT Forum:2015 / Mexico City 2015.11.19-21  The world`s most populous city, Mexico City. A city with a long history and lots of charm, this was the venue for the 12th annual Transnational Lighting Detectives Forum, the largest f…

Annual Forum

11th Annual TNT Forum:2014 / Madrid


2014.10.02-10.05        The 11th Forum was held in Madrid, Spain. A city with very old history, however, the theme was〝NEW CITY_NEW PEOPLE_NEW”and we talked with Madrid residents about the city’s lighting now and in the future. Symposium Ta…

Global Research



2014.06.24-06.29   Ai Sohara+ Mami Ichida With the population of 60 million and the 2nd largest country in South East Asia, Myanmar has not yet been well-known to the world because of its isolated policy for over a half century. Reforming a…

Global Research



East meets west in the Islamic streets of Istanbul, as quite unique light are unleashed. Light from many different directions is churned together, as in the bright light particles of the bazaar and the interiors of the mosque. A testimony o…

Global Research

Dubai, Abudabi, UAE


2014.03.31-04.06 Genki Watanabe + Hu Lin Dubai which becomes a hub in the Middle East. Since 2003 decade, sustained economic development of urban construction at the same time, decoration, lighting, etc also has a very significant change. T…

Global Research



2014.02.01-02.11 Kanon Hujimoto + Mayumi Banno Italy is an irresistible destination to travellers from all over the world, including the Lighting Detectives. We toured three big cities, Rome, Milan, and Firenze, and two smaller cities, Berg…

Annual Forum

10th Annual TNT Forum: 2013 / Taipei


September 20th-21st 2013 @ Xue Xue Institute Transnational Tanteidan Forum 2013 in Taipei Theme: Taipei Nightscape and Lighting Identity Venue: Xue Xue Institute, Taipei, Taiwan Program: City Walk, Workshop, Exhibi…