Hero!! or Villain?! That is the lighting question. In cities worldwide there are all types of different lighting environments, some are exciting, romantic or relaxing and some are outright shocking or unpleasant. Vote to Hero or Villain for this month’s pick. You be the judge.
  • 19points
  • 26points
  • Shanghai Cross Section

    Many lighting design plans came along with China’s growing developments, other than façade lighting. This photo shows some of those lighting plans for bridges and roads. Originally, the cross section does not have any pedestrian or road lighting, but the bright green color bridge lighting provides the brightness that the space needs. *Is this a Hero or a Villain to you?

    Photo by: Yu Ye (from China)


    I do not like lighting with green colour so I think this is a villain.

    Why do the Chinese use green colour for lighting so often?

    I love the green you see when you look through the leaves, but I don’t like this green colour lighting.