Hero!! or Villain?! That is the lighting question. In cities worldwide there are all types of different lighting environments, some are exciting, romantic or relaxing and some are outright shocking or unpleasant. Vote to Hero or Villain for this month’s pick. You be the judge.
  • 37points
  • 39points
  • In-flight Rainbow Lighting

    Before taking off, the flight departing Singapore in November 2018 was changed from normal white light to RGB lighting mode on the aisle ceiling cove and the side slit with a gentle moment made my usual boring taking-off moment (when your movie or entertainment mode was paused by loads of safety flight information…… blah blah blah) to be an exciting moment. I cannot remember which occasion was but I am sure it is one of my remarkable flights. *Is this a Hero or a Villain to you?
    Photo by: Angkana Kongchatri (from Singapore)


    I was also surprised to experience this too.

    It was not my type of lighting but people around me seemed to enjoy it.

    I would be OK with a short Welcome Light, but I hope they don't do it for too long.