Fairy lights on trees
In 2019, I passed by a group of trees in front of a hotel drop-off that is heavily wrapped up with fairy light through the whole trunk. From afar, the form of the trunk is highly visible and it was the focal point to differentiate the entrance of drop off apart from the main road. It may be helpful for drivers as the demarcation is highly visible but it is quite aesthetically unsightly.
*Is this a hero or a villain to you?
*Is this a hero or a villain to you?


I would like the illumination to be done only on trees with beautiful shape.
This illumination is unfortunately not beautiful.
The tree shape is not good and there is no delicacy at all in the way the illumination is installed.
This illumination is unfortunately not beautiful.
The tree shape is not good and there is no delicacy at all in the way the illumination is installed.