The Marble Palace, Saint Petersburg
The Marble Palace, with symmetrical facades. It belongs to the Russian Museum and contains artworks in the category “Foreign Artists in Russia”. Some of us enjoy the dramatic way that lighting here emphasises the columns. We are not sure if the different colour temperatures are a technical fault or a deliberate effect which creates mystery. And which side is better – with the edges of the roof lit up (as on the right) or without ?
Is this a hero or villain to you?
Is this a hero or villain to you?


This is, of course, a criminal. It is not ideal to deliberately use different colour temperatures. Also, light and shadow do not appear beautiful.
Lighting for such an important cultural heritage should be designed with more care. Lighting designers in Russia should not keep in silence.
Lighting for such an important cultural heritage should be designed with more care. Lighting designers in Russia should not keep in silence.